Monday, September 30, 2019

ESG: List 5 x 5 - September

ESG:  List 5 x 5  -  September

ESG: List  5x5 September

This is a quick and easy swap - Simply list 5 answers to the following 5 questions and send them to your partners.
You may email, use Swap-bot message or share a link to your answers on your blog. Please send on time and rate promptly!

Besides Swap-bot, what are 5 websites you visit most often?
  1. YouTube
  2. Facebook
  3. Amazon
  4. Google
  5. Netflix

Name 5 places you'd take someone from out of town.
  1. Findlay Mall
  2. Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
  3. Cedar Point
  4. Brown Derby Roadhouse in Mansfield. They have the best STEAKS!!
  5. One of the two Drive-In movies in my area

Name 5 books you've read or would like to read.
  1. The Complete works of Edgar Alan Poe
  2. Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  3. All the books by Dean Koontz
  4. All the books in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
  5. All the books written by Nora Roberts as JD Robb (In death series)

Name 5 teachers you've had over the years.
  1. Mr Kelegigas (?spelling) He was my high school home room teacher. I remember his because I used to help him sort baseball cards into complete sets.
  2. I have something called repression amnesia and I don't really remember anything before the age of 17 except for bits and pieces here and there. I don't remember any of my teachers other then #1. 

List 5 words that start with the same letter as your First Name.
  1. Anonymous
  2. Altruistic
  3. Apathy
  4. Adventurous (Not me)
  5. Awesome (That's me, hahahaha)

That's all there is to it! Thanks for signing up - Have fun!

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