ESG: List 5x5 September
This is a quick and easy swap - Simply list 5 answers to the following 5 questions and send them to your partners.
You may email, use Swap-bot message or share a link to your answers on your blog. Please send on time and rate promptly!
Besides Swap-bot, what are 5 websites you visit most often?
- YouTube
- Amazon
- Netflix
Name 5 places you'd take someone from out of town.
- Findlay Mall
- Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
- Cedar Point
- Brown Derby Roadhouse in Mansfield. They have the best STEAKS!!
- One of the two Drive-In movies in my area
Name 5 books you've read or would like to read.
- The Complete works of Edgar Alan Poe
- Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- All the books by Dean Koontz
- All the books in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
- All the books written by Nora Roberts as JD Robb (In death series)
Name 5 teachers you've had over the years.
- Mr Kelegigas (?spelling) He was my high school home room teacher. I remember his because I used to help him sort baseball cards into complete sets.
- I have something called repression amnesia and I don't really remember anything before the age of 17 except for bits and pieces here and there. I don't remember any of my teachers other then #1.
List 5 words that start with the same letter as your First Name.
- Anonymous
- Altruistic
- Apathy
- Adventurous (Not me)
- Awesome (That's me, hahahaha)
That's all there is to it! Thanks for signing up - Have fun!