Tuesday, January 30, 2018

30 Questions

30 Questions

Another fun electronic questionnaire from Swap-bot swapping. This one is hosted by HappyMom. 
My partners for this swap are tonat80, nataliec07 and catandacecreations. 

1. What was your first job? 
I worked at a retirement village in the dietary department. I truly loved that job. 

2. Have you ever met anyone famous?
Not that I know of. I have this vague thought that I met someone but I can't remember who it was. 

3. What are you reading right now? 
I'm reading Dean Koontz's "The Whispering Room".  He is my all time favorite author and I have every single one of his books that I can find. I usually buy them in several formats. hahahaha.  The last book I ended up getting in Hard back, e-book and audiobook. 

4. If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be? 
There are actually two skills that I would LOVE to have. I'd love to be able to be able to pick up languages quickly. I've always wanted to speak several languages.  The other skill/talent that I would love to have is to have a great singing voice. 

5. Who's someone you really admire?
My mom. She raised both my brother and I on her own as she worked full-time, and went to college then theology school full-time. 

6. Seen any good movies lately you'd recommend?
I watched Geostorm the other night and it was really great! I like natural disaster movies. Also, recently watched a movie called The Hitman's Bodyguard. It had a lot of strong language but I thought it was pretty good considering it didn't have the best reviews that I saw. I've always liked Ryan Reynolds though so that always helps :) 

7. Got any favorite quotes?
I can't think of any off the top of my head but I will update if I can think of one later. 

8. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
Not really, It takes a lot to surprise me. 

9. What was your favorite band 10 years ago?
10 years ago I went through a trash music phase. I was listening to things like Eminem, Hinder and Theory of a Deadman.  Basically groups I wouldn't let my son listen to now-a-days. 

10. What's your earliest memory?
Walking to the Turkey Hill convenience store with my Mom and brother. 

11. Been anywhere recently for the first time?
No, we don't go new places very often. But I am going to Savannah, GA in March for my sister-in-law's wedding :) 

12. What's your favorite family tradition?
Putting up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving day. 

13. Who had the most influence on your growing up?
Of course it was my Mom. 

14. What was the first major thing you bought with your own money?
Probably candy? Hahahaha

15. What's something you want to do in the next year that you've never done before?
I'd like to finish every craft project that I start, hahahaha. 

16. Seen anything lately that made you smile?
Everyday my son does something or says something to make me smile.

17. What's your favorite place you've ever visited?
I've been to California and Florida. I would say I really don't like hot weather places. My favorite place I've been would be right here in Ohio when we go to the Renaissance Faire. 

18. Have you ever had your 15 minutes of fame yet?
Nope, and I don't really care if I ever do. I don't want all that attention. 

19. What's the best advice you've ever heard?
Be yourself, Everyone else is taken. 

20. How do you like your eggs?
Over medium or scrambled. I go through phases where I can't eat eggs for years. Usually after I get eggs with the egg white still slimy... GAG!

21. Do you have a favorite charity you wish more people knew about?
I don't know about a lot of charities. I do like the Mid-Ohio food-bank though. I've done a few volunteer shifts there and I always feel uplifted after completing a shift. 

22. Got any phobias you'd like to break?
I'd deathly afraid of deer and have trouble driving after dark because I am afraid of hitting them. I've forced myself lately to try and get over this phobia but it's slow going. 

23. Have you returned anything you've purchased recently? Why?
Nope, I don't buy a lot of stuff that would need to be returned. I usually buy clothing items at thrift stores so if I get something that doesn't fit then I just donate it back to the store. hahahaha

24. Do you collect anything?
Oh my! I collect everything. Lighthouses, salt-n-pepper shakers, elephants, miniatures, postcards, playing cards, Marvel vinyl pops, monster high collectibles,  small wind-chimes..... I could keep going...

25. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
Depends on my mood. Some of my favorites are; Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats, Lucky Charms, and Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. 

26. If we were having lunch together, what would you want to know about me?
About how you day has been.

27. Who was your favorite manager or boss, and what did you like best about him or her?
My favorite supervisor has been Kelly B. she really cares about the people on her team. She is always on time for chats and meetings and always keeps us in the loop so we know what's going on. She is also great at engaging her team. I'd never been part of a team that I felt so attached to and cared about  by every one on the team before and I'd never felt as valued as a person as I did when I was on her team. I was truly saddened when I found out recently that the teams were being realigned and I was going to have to switch teams.  Already I feel less attached. I like my new boss, he is great but he's not Kelly. 

28. What's your favorite way to spend an unexpected day off?
Sleeping, ha! I know it sounds lame but I never get to sleep past 7 a.m. even on weekends so when I get a day where I can sleep in, I feel like I've won the lottery. 

29. What did you find exhilarating?
Ex-hil-a-rat-ing: Making one feel very happy, animated or elated, thrilling.  I think it's all a mind-set. I try to always be very happy, thereby animated.  I don't see out thrills, nor am I a thrill junkie. I get my exhilaration through living life daily and trying to be the best person I can be. Being a  mother exhilarates me also. It's a daily blessing.  

30. What's a career or job you would never be interested in?
I could never be a doctor. I don't do well with all the body fluids and seeing someone hurt or wounded would wig me out. I have a lot of respect for those in the medical field. 

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