Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Book Questions

Another Electronic Swap. Another Set of Questions. Another Set of Answers 😃

Name of this swap:
Book Questions - Your Opinion


The details:
We each were assigned three partners to send our list of questions and answers to. We can either email our parnters the answers or send them a link to our blog if we post our answers there (here). 

My partners For This Swap Are:

Sending To:

Receiving From:

As for all my electronic swaps you can click on the (receiving from) names above to see the answers I've got from my partners.

Now It's My Turn, Read on to see how I answered the swap questions. 

What book would you recommend to read?
I've given this answer before in other swaps I've done in the past, but I will give it again here. One of my favorite books I've read in the past year has been Rick Yancey's  Fifth Wave. I don't know why I love it so much but it's become one of my favorite books. I've actual purchased three formats of this book. Hard copy, e-book and audible book. I also really like the adaptation of the book into the movie called by the same name, even though they cut major parts of the book out but that is expected because they do that to all movies made from books. 

Do you keep a record of the books you have read? If so what format do you use?
Well to be honest I started keeping track of my books a half a year ago because I joined a Reading Quarter Log swap but after two quarters I got bored with the swap and stopped keeping track. I even have an entry here of what books I read in a past quarter. I just found that I read too much and too fast to keep up an accurate log. Also, sometimes I start a book and don't care for it and so I just stop reading it. Now I just kind of keep track of what books I've read on my Kindle app by moving them from "device" to the "cloud" when I finish a book. In as far as physical paper books, I have a pile of books that is unread or to read book and when I finish a book I move it to a completed pile. hahahaha. 

Do You Have A Favorite Book Blog? 
I signed up for Goodreads but I got really annoyed at the people who thought they were geniuses trying to review books in an overly intellectual manner. I don't mind true intellectual reviews. I just hate the people that think they are being smart and trying to write "down" to the little people. Also, some people just don't know how to write a book review with spoiling the book for others that have not read the book yet. Now I just have certain authors that I follow their blog. That is about it. 

Name Your Favorite Author:
This one is easy. Hmmm, I think. Okay, I will say Dean Koontz. I've read every book that I've found of his and I own most in the hardback edition. Also, I've subscribed to his blog so I know when he has new books coming out. I've already pre-ordered his book that is coming out in June 2017.

Do You Have a Good Crime/Mystery To Recommend?
Yes, Lately I've stumbled upon the author Julie Hyzy and I've become quite addicted to her mysteries. She has two series that I am reading right now. One is set in the White House and involves the white house chef who solves murder cases. I think it is called the Inaugural Chef Series. The other series is the "Grace..." series.  "Grace Sees Red" "Grace Against The Clock" etc. These are a good sets of books for those that don't want a heavy crime drama. They are lighthearted mysteries without bad language or graphic sex scenes.

A Great Romance?
I really truly hate romance stories to by honest. The only romance you will find me reading is by Nora Roberts and normally only her trilogies based on the supernatural. 

Name a Great Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book:
See question one.. hahahaha. Rick Yancey's, "Fifth Wave". I have two Fantasy series I like, too. Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders Of Pern (whole bunch of them) and Christopher Paolini's "Eragon" trilogy. 

Would You Chose A Book Based On The Cover?
I have in the past. That is actually how I found Julie Hyzy. I was standing in the checkout line at the library and looked at the bookshelf of new books available and saw the beautiful cover to her "Grace Cries Uncle" book and decided to pick it up. I usually do pick YA books bases on the cover work. 

Have you been to a book signing? 
No never. 

Name a book that you could read over and over again:
Um. The Fifth Wave? lol  Also, any book by Dean Koontz. 

How Many books are on your nightstand/table to read?
No physical books right now. But I have a stack of 5 books on my stairway to read. (That is where my "to read" pile is stored). I also have about 50 books on my Kindle App that I need to read. 

Do You Collect/Use Bookmarks?
I make bookmarks for other people but it's funny that I don't use them myself. I usually grab whatever piece of paper is handy at the time and use it to hold my place. I read A LOT of electronic books so I really don't need too many paper bookmarks. I do like to make the metal sheperds' hook bookmarks that have the bead dangles. Though I consider them more book jewelry then book marks since I don't use them while reading the book. I only put them into the book after I've read them and placed them on the shelf. It looks so pretty seeing all the beads and crystals hanging from books on my shelves. 

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